P5se Camelback's 2010 Summer Structure Challenge GERN Plant
O.K.! Let's get off the dime!

Maybe let's have a "Profile" structure backed up against the wall and maybe have tracks to "north staging" run between it and another structure and then disappear into the "shadows." Hmmmmmm! What might that "Profile" structure look like? Hmmmmmm ...

[Image: PotentialWallArrangement-resized.jpg]

Now, in an effort to discourage Peeping Toms from discovering the lack of a interiors in these structures ...
Paint all interior walls Ace Hardware Rattle-Can Flat Black!

[Image: PaintAllWallInteriorsFlatBlack-r-1.jpg]

And while we consider how many structures, their sizes, relationships to each other as well as to the site, let's do some basic wall assembly ...

[Image: PuttingBasicWallsTogether-resize-1.jpg]

EDIT: Resize & Repost Photos.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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