Newbie Question! Using Sound with Operations?
nachoman Wrote:When you pick up your date, and you are afraid to meet her parents, you pull up on the street and sound the horn. If you are a gentleman, you use the bell.
Geez, Kevin, I need advance notice when you're gonna do that! I almost had cream soda right up my nose! Big Grin 357 357

It's all good though ... I'll be chuckling about that one all night now, it hit my giggle button dead center! Icon_lol

As for Whistle/Horn signaling, I have a chart somewhere - I'll have to do a search - that lists them all, which when found I'll post it for the benefit of all. I'm sure everybody knows that a grade crossing requires a long-long-short-long, and even non-railfans know that one (without knowing it's for a grade crossing) because tourist steam railroads use that one for everything , and even when there's no reason to blow the whistle, because the tourists riding the train like to be reminded that they are being pulled by a steam engine ... it's kind of one of the expectations for paying the admission price. Icon_lol Icon_lol

And thanks, Kev ... that was a good one ... unexpected, but good! 357

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

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