Here's an updated project list.
>Yard Office for the Remote rail yard and shops facility. (Finished, just needs installed. Still working on getting the glue for it. Should be installed on the layout by next weekend.)
>Passenger Station for the same
>Mount Union Connecting Railroad Co.'s Plymouth MDT Diesel
>Roundhouse(The roundhouse won't be put onto the layout, as It turned out to be too big. Using a scratchbuilt 3-stall enginehouse instead)
>Water Tank(Just needs legs)
>Diesel Service Facility(Paint shop is up first, and it's underway. It's based on the EBT paint shop in Rockhill Furnace, PA)
>Sawmill #1(Needs major repair work. It's an old building from Life-Like that needs a LOT of repair work before I can even consider putting it on the layout)
>Logging Flatcars(Just need to add stakes to the sides of two flatcars and I have a few more that I am hoping to have soon.)

More projects:
>2-Stall Car shop
>Engine Shop
>Sand house
>Coal Bunker for our 3 restored steamers
>Diesel fuel Tank
>MoW Truck
>Replacing horn-hooks with Kadee's
>Replacing plastic wheels with metal wheels
>Replacing plastic trucks with metal trucks
>Weathering #21's enginehouse
>Enginehouse tool shed
>Painting Mt. Union Connecting Railroad Co. #2,#3, #4, and an ex-EBT Imagineered #21 2-6-6-2T engine.

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