CP Scarborough Harbor Branch Line - HO Scale
Yeppers. Actually the name of the drug is Obay. Thus I've been fooling around with a name for the actual company that makes it. I was thinking of trying to make an acronym out of the phrase Do as I say not as I do "DAISNIAS". However, I decided that perhaps just DAIS may be good enough. Pronounced Day-iss. So DAIS Pharmaceuticals. So while Obay would be one of their chief products they would also manufacture and distribute other medicinal products and drugs from one of only a handful of central labs and processing plant located in Southern Ontario. I planned on using a couple of the ads which I located on line in a billboard format around the layout to tie in the gag to the rail road. The finished products would packed in boxes and shipped out in box cars to be transported either cross country and even overseas.

As a parent I find this particularly amusing because it is the polar opposite for what I want from my own kids. That is I want them to be strong, independent and able to think for themselves. With the occasional piece of advice from the old man from time to time. Misngth

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