The Burbank Branch
Welcome Johny Botto! Welcome

I think you'll find us like family here, but keep in mind that a lot of us can't read and we like pictures! Now, we might be able to forgive posts tha have links, because links ar red and when you put the cursor over them they have a line under them and so we know to click on them to go somewhere else.

However ... if we are going to have to click links to find out if you've been "workin' on the railroad" or just hangin' in front of the tube with your homeys, then you ought to put a link over there and send some of those people over here to see what a close knit, friendly, helpful model railroad community is like! There are some very skilled modelers here, there are some electronics wizards here, there are young guys here, there are older guys here (I'm not sure about any modelers of "the fairer sex",) and we are all here to help and encourage each other.
So ... Welcome ... don't be a stranger!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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