My Take On Operations "Game"

All of this ops talk is giving me the "bug" again! I developed an industry card system a while ago that was sort of like a "Scenario Card" system but lately I've been just watching trains chase their tails. I think that's because I made it too cumbersome...and added the need to use dice rolls to determine how many cars go where. Redesigning the system stalled me because I didn't want to print out so many cards on my computer again. I had used colored fonts and some graphics for individual industry cards like this:

[Image: IMG_1879.jpg]

Then, after reading this thread, including the link Stein provided, I had a minor brain storm. I just created this standard form card that can be used with any customer on my layout. I can print out one sheet and then simply use a photocopier to make as many as I need. Then I'll paste them to file cards to make them more rigid. I included information about lading to make it more interesting. I always enjoy reading modeler's descriptions of what commodity is being shipped and why. Makes it more "real" for me! Thumbsup

[Image: IMG_1880.jpg]

I need to review a Scenario List like the one in Stein's link of how many and what kind of car might be used with each customer. Then I'll have to to fill out the appropriate number of cards for each industry, each reflecting one of the listed scenarios. My form provides for three types of cars (box, hopper, gon, etc) for set outs and pick ups because no customer on my layout uses more than that at one time.

As an example on my layout, the customer could be Sal's Salvage. Sal shreds stripped autos into scrap metal and loads the shreddings into open gondolas. I'd note the name of the customer, and in one scenario might write Set outs: 3, Type:Gons, Lading: MT (empty), Sp. Instructions: Spot cars next to loader. Other scenarios might involve picking up loaded cars, or both picking up and setting out gons.

I'm going to mess with it for a while to see how it works or me. If this is helpful to anyone else feel free to copy or modify at will. I hope you don't mind this intrusion into your thread Richard. If I end up going with this form I may post one of my own with examples of how it works later.


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