Using photos on structures
nachoman Wrote:
Sumpter250 Wrote:No matter how small the variation, I think the eye/brain is more aware of texture. Stand as far from a building as you stand in scale feet from a model building with "Photo-bricks", and you will see texture, that you won't see on the model.

our brains also want us to see something there that it expects to be there. In other words, we see a brick pattern, and we expect to see the texture we are accustomed to. If we don't see the texture, it simply looks "wrong". In a modeling sense, sometimes it is better to exaggerate a texture (rivets are a good example) than to do without.

Kevin,Our eyes can be deceived into not seeing things...I call this the "Hollywood effect" and it works like a charm..You see our eyes focus on the overall scene and not one given area.We will see the building,the train and its surroundings but,not the mintue detail unless we focus in on the buildings its self.Under normal operation viewing you will see the building but,not the details because our eyes will be focus on our work such as spotting or pulling a car...

This is how Hollywood uses the same extras in different scenes-we focus on the main actors and not their surroundings..

Summerset Ry

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