Rail Fanning TTIS In Kentucky Part 3
FCIN Wrote:
Brakie Wrote:* That was the only time I got chased off while railfanning TTI..The other times I railfan TTI was around Paris but,I wised up and got a 1 day past after signing 3 diffent releases..

TTI is not very rail fan friendly these days, although the train crew and the cute little blond dispatcher were very nice to us yesterday. As far as I know, there is no such thing as signing a release these days. You never, but never try to go on to the property at the terminal in Maysville, but they won't bother you in Paris as long as you don't try to go on to their fenced in property. All this is the result of them having an open house a couple of years back and then having some of their property stolen. Personally, I'd bet money that rail fans had nothing to do with it, but rather locals. But I suppose it's easier to blame the rail fan community than to find the real culprit's. Since TTI is now owned by CSXT, that also has some bearing on it too.

I had intended to make at least one video of the whole train passing at some point, but we just never managed to get far enough ahead of them to set up the tripod, etc. Might try and follow another train in the fall, when the leaves are in color.

Ed,Sorry to hear that..TTI was friendly back in the mid 80's except for the Maysville terminal.I will add the guy was nice and allowed me to take a picture of the 9 spot when it pulled back toward the main gate area..

Summerset Ry

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