Officially unemployed
nachoman Wrote:I'm sorry to hear that., especially after 22 years. Unemployment can be extremely tough emotionally, and my best advice is to stay busy and do whatever it takes to stay positive about yourself. If a company passes you over or neglects to politely call you back - it has nothing to do with you - it has to do with them being a bunch of jerks. Right now I am dealing with a company I interviewed with TWICE, and since given me the cold shoulder for 4 weeks. Now I am starting to call them, and all I get is voicemail. If you are lucky, you will know someone who can help quickly get you a job somewhere else. Otherwise, it could take awhile - and hobbies like this one definitely help to keep your sanity.

Hi Kevin,

Sorry to hear about that company giving you the runaround. I've been told a couple times that it's who you know that counts & I will really need to work my connections.

Yes, hobbies like ours certainly help to keep our sanity -- they're nice diversions.

Take care and maybe we can keep each other updated. My severance details are still being worked out.

Take care, Rob
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