Gary S' 2010 Summer Challenge - Bridge
Kurt, DocWayne, Mister Nutbar, thanks for the terrific compliments, you guys are definitely giving me more confidence in the modeling skills department. Smile

Kevin, I agree, this is a structure contest, not a diorama contest. It could be that only the bridge/track/ballast itself should count as the structure, but I feel that at the very least, the concrete slabs on the banks are a part of the structure. On that note, the riprap at the edge of the slabs could be considered as part of the manmade structure too. Now, the water isn't necessarily part of the structure, but couldn't it be counted just as a building foundation would be counted? Hmmm... well, considering on the real thing that the water is actually flowing, there is no part of the water that is a permanent part of the foundation! I do appreciate your kind comments! Smile
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