Transfer caboose..
Jerry ...

You will soon learn (I hope) that there is no need to make excuses or to ingratiate yourself for being "older" or having "fat fingers" because we are not nit-picking rivet-counters here. We are a positive, encouraging group of guys who applaud your efforts and appreciate the fact that you have posted photos of your model work here! We have members on this forum who are probably skilled enough to work as profession model makers for a firm that build museum quality models. We also have members who are just starting out in the hobby and are proud to show us their very first kit-built box car from a "shake-the-box" kit. All are encouraged by the members of Big Blue at The-Gauge!

And Jerry, your cabooses are cool! Seeing those photos of your two neat little transfer hacks has reminded me that I have a thread here on very small cabooses that has been laying dormant since the 2010 Summer Structure Challenge began, that I should go back and work on completing the builds on while I contemplate putting a decoder in a diesel!

So just have fun, there, Buddy! That's what this hobby is all about and that's what we do here at Big Blue!

So ... keep those photos coming!!!
[Besides, working in "N" scale, anybody's fingers would look fat!]

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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