Measuring Structures for Scratchbuilding
The ol' Measuring Stick has some miles on it, that's for sure. I haven't really used it in a while but saw it leaning in the corner of the garage while taking the recycling out a couple weeks ago and thought it might be a helpful tool to some of you fellas so I took a couple photos and wrote a couple paragraphs.

On the plus side, while setting up one of the shots I noticed how several spiders had commandeered my entryway as a "trapping dinner" hunting ground and a couple families of wasps and mud daubers had also set up housekeeping in there as well. Immediately after the photo session, I hooked up the hose to the bib on the front of the house, set the nozzle at "stream" and cleaned all of that unsightliness out of the entryway as well as a splash of the hose up in the soffit areas.

The house is much more presentable to "walk-up" guests ... should I ever have one. Icon_lol

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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