The Hjemstad Line
Sumpter250 Wrote:The kit is a full hull plastic ( molded styrene ) model, I "waterlined" ( glued the two hull halves together, taped the hull to a board, with a right angle piece on the opposite side, to keep it vertically square , and ran the hull through my band saw.) it for use on my module's "water". At 127' overall length, she's an ocean going vessel, but not really trans-oceanic, a coastal freight carrier.
the kit, is an ocean going trawler.
The hull is 17.5" ( 44.5 cm ) overall length.

Thanks for the info, that's nice to know. What do you think about the quality and detailing, is it a good kit? I probably have to add around $20 to $30 shipping cost to the price, I haven't found that kit in any webshops here in Norway.


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