The Hjemstad Line
Time for some more progress pics.

The middle section is glued together and almost completed:

[Image: 1265_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1266_w1200.jpg]

The sections are bolted together with 10x25mm bolts with washers and wingnuts. The bolts also align the sections, reducing the risk of derailing when running a train across a joint:

[Image: 1267_w1200.jpg]

Here the "water" and top piece are in place, but not yet glued to the frame. I managed to screw up when transferring the track plan onto the plywood, and have to make some minor adjustments before I can cut holes for the switch motors:

[Image: 1268_w1200.jpg]

[Image: 1269_w1200.jpg]

I interlocked the front pieces and the long cross pieces to add a little more strenght to the frame. The protruding part of the cross pieces will be cut to fit when I glue the remaining two front pieces to the frame:

[Image: 1270_w1200.jpg]

When this section is finished, I'll have to do some light spackling and sanding on both sections before painting them. I must admit that all the woodworking is getting a little boring by now, I'm looking forward to starting with the trackwork and wiring. But it's nice to see how well it's all coming together, I guess all the planning beforehand is finally paying off.


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