What are your other hobbies?
In addition to model railroading, I have several other hobbies, which explains why my layout is progressing so slowly.

Amateur radio - my primary hobby - I spend a lot of time with this. I enjoy CW (Morse code), radioteletype and other digital means of communications, as well as voice.

Photography - I have enjoyed this hobby for years, but since the advent of digital cameras, I have really gotten back into this with a vengeance. I finally upgraded to the camera I wanted (a Canon 5D), and I am still buying lenses (no such thing as too many lenses). I am slowly mastering Photoshop, which is an amazing program. I am not a professional and don't want to convert a fun hobby into a job. Besides, working aggravates an allergy of mine, so I gave it up.

Woodworking - I have a completely outfitted woodshop in the same outbuilding as my radio room and train layout. I make furniture and lots and lots of sawdust!

Traveling is something we do a lot more of now that I have the boat up for sale. We just like to take off and wander on back roads - since we are both retired, schedules are just a dim memory, thank goodness.

Now that I look at that list, I just realized that model railroading is the cheapest of these hobbies - maybe I had better get in gear and accelerate the work on the layout!

President and Janitor of the Arenac & Southern RR

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