Pearl Harbor Remembered
The war had been entered, and ongoing for 707 days, when I first appeared on the scene. That, was not my war. That war had heroes, and public support.
My war was a different beast. The dedicated American fighting men who served in my war, were spit on and called "baby killers", and the spitters, and name callers are our nations leaders today.

" ... the mid-east would cease being a dangerous, violent place if we would just lay down our arms, de-nuke and offer the open hand of friendship to those who are falsely potrayed as enemies! "

My answer to that is "Put fifty in the ring and hit ram continuous"

I may be a "senior Vice President of Bio Gas Technology ", and barely able to walk to the corner store, but I can still muster the strength and courage to defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign and domestic!, so help me God!

I will never forget....., and the images of the World Trade Center being struck by aircraft filled with innocent American men, women, and children, will never allow me to even begin to think of laying down our arms and offering the open hand. Murder, is still a capital offense.
The only hand I'll offer is the clenched fist of a determined defender of freedom!
[ the remainder of this post was deleted......I've already said too much ]
The only thing we learn from history, is that we learn nothing from history.......and that is sad.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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