Bachmann turnout switches
Without a diagram, it's sort of hard to know exactly how the power is running around your rails...but allow me to throw out a few ideas...and bear in mind I'm no electrical genius, but I've used those same turnouts too and know they can be problematic.

Does the engine stop dead when the front set of wheels touch the "curved portion" of the turnout with the rear wheels still on the "straight" portion of the turnout?

Where does the electricity from the power pack hook into the layout? If it attaches to the main loop, is the attachment point placed so the inner loop would still receive power when both turnouts are thrown?

Is it possible that one of the wire connectors are installed backwards in the switch machine? If I remember right, the turnout wiring is encased in a black plastic covering and that piece is inserted into the switch it possible one of those are installed opposite of the other? Do you have the switch machines attached to one another?

Take a really close look at the track connectors too. It is very easy for one rail to not properly attach to the track connector and be "above" it and not touching well enough to conduct power to that rail. The track should attach firmly, snapping into place, and the rails should be smooth and unbroken to the touch if everything is snapped together correctly.

It could certainly be possible that you have one bad switch box or turnout. So try swapping the turnouts around, and try swapping the switch boxes around as well. By process of elimination, you might discover if you have a bad turnout or switch box or broken wire somewhere. Also, when your engine stops dead, try "throwing" both switches - one at a time - and see if the power is reestablished to the inner circle. Sometimes those Bachmann Turnouts do some funny things and simply throwing both switches a few times correctly "seats" the parts and allows for proper electrical flow.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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