Using The ShipIt! Computer Program On An ISL
Thank you for taking the time to write all that up. It is something I am definitely interested in, so please keep us informed of how the program is working as you change and add things. I do like the way you coded your rolingstock, makes sense to me. I probably wouldn't distinguish between the door types on the boxcars, but would distinguish 40s and 50s.

FCIN Wrote:My past experience using ShipIt, I found that some cars never seemed to come on line from storage for certain commodities, while others would constantly come on/off line. I'm guessing that the car database doesn't queue the cars in a first out/last in manner after a car has completed a shipping cycle. If AA 2050 is in position 1 in the database and WRWK 5055 is in position 100 - maybe that never changes. If both cars were the correct type for the shipment and available at the same time, WRWK 5055 might never get selected in a situation like I'm using.

Definitely keep us informed of how this is going. If the random generator is not random and constantly uses the same cars instead of running through the fleet, and doesn't have much variation in the amount of cars incoming/outgoing for each operating session, then that pretty much ruins it for me.

As for the amount of time spent entering all the data, I think it will be worth it in the long run, as long as the program generates some variation. It will savetons of time further down the line.

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