Using The ShipIt! Computer Program On An ISL
Gary S and tetters;

Boy have I hit a snag with ShipIt!

This evening I added the rest of my cars to the roster, made sure I had at least one shipper/consignee/commodity pairing for each car type and then proceeded to test it some more.

When I initialized the program (Fresh Start) it placed cars at every one of my industry spots and the remainder in the yard - that was fine, and what I expected. So then I started generating test switch lists to see what would happen with these results:
Session 1: 0 cars inbound from the yard - 5 cars outbound from the spur
Session 2: 0 cars inbound from the yard - 5 cars outbound from the spur
Session 3: 0 cars inbound from the yard - 5 cars outbound from the spur
Session 4: 0 cars inbound from the yard - 1 car outbound from the spur
After the 4th session, it would no longer generate a switch list saying that there were "No consignee shipper matches found"!!!
It shows that all the cars in the yard are STUCK for some reason that I can't determine. Why it is not moving cars both directions I don't know. I've looked at everything I know to look at in the program and can't figure out why I'm not getting cars moved from the yard to the spur and back again.
I'm going to try some different things and see if that changes it. I sure would hate to have to enter all the shipper/consignee records again! Maybe I need to treat my set up as if everything were in the same town/station.

Will keep you posted.


I think I've found the problem!! When setting up your shippers there is an option on the dialog box to enter a Storage Yard - for overflow of cars I think. When I set up my shippers, I entered the shipping point A-YARD into that field when I should have left it blank. Seems that because my shipping point and storage yard were the same, ShipIt would not move the cars!

Once I went though all the shipper records and cleared out the Storage Yard field (there is an option to clear that field) - then cars started moving.

Will keep you posted
"Friends don't let friends build Timesavers"

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