Using The ShipIt! Computer Program On An ISL
Well here is the latest information on my experimenting with ShipIt.

Now that I figured out what I'd done wrong (one of those Oops! moments) 35 here is how ShipIt is working for me now:

1. Fresh Start
Placed 16 cars (1 at each spot) on spur
Remainder of cars in yard

2. Session 1
2 cars inbound from yard
5 cars outbound from spur

Session 2
4 cars inbound from yard
5 cars outbound from spur

Session 3
5 cars inbound from yard
5 cars outbound from spur

All remaining switch list generation produced same results:
5 cars inbound from yard and 5 cars outbound from spur

Since I have train length limited to 5 cars - this behavior is correct and is working just the way I want. Although I haven't figured out an easy way to keep track of the movement of individual cars - based on the number of switch lists I've generated, it does appear that all cars are moving.

Only thing that is bothering me at the moment is that I don't really want every car spot filled all the time. For instance, my distribution warehouse has 6 car spots. ShipIt has a car spotted at each door all the time and I'd prefer that there only be 2 or 3 cars on spot at any one time. Same with my food products industry that has 5 car spots. I should be able to fix this issue by adjusting the frequency of car movements for various spots. Will experiment with that.

I added a second switch job to the train list, to see how that effected operations. I have a first shift job and a third shift job and here are some results for doing that:

Session 1
First Shift
5 cars inbound from yard
5 cars outbound from spur
Third Shift
1 car inbound from yard
5 cars outbound from spur
Session 2
First Shift
5 cars inbound from yard
5 cars outbound from spur
Third Shift
5 cars inbound from yard
5 cars outbound from spur

This pattern continued for every session generated - good!

ShipIt allows you to have several trains scheduled, but not actually run them. Thus I can have three yard crews on the train list, but only generate switch lists for one of them if I only want to have one session at a time. Nice feature.

Overall, at this point I'm really being to like using ShipIt. Will have to say that I don't like the output of the switch lists. The primary switch list form wastes a lot of paper - typically printing out as many as two pages for one train. would be a lot more pages if my train lengths weren't limited. Here's an example:     It does have a Condensed switch list that uses abbreviations and looks like this:     A bit more prototypical in appearance.

One other note while I'm thinking about it. I find that ShipIt has a tendency to crash frequently. No pattern to the crashes and sometimes it will crash by simply moving a scrollbar on an open window. It has crashed once when I did a Fresh Start and once when generating a session. Crashes do not seem to effect anything as far as the database goes and restarting the program, I've been able to resume from where the point where it crashed.
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