Track plan help?
Here is an updated picture showing some more important features about the room. The green box is an area that I have permission to use. Areas inside the blue lines are structures (benchwork, workbench) that are already in place.
[Image: pm4colorj-1.jpg]
Andrew, Thank you for your input. It is a huge help. And I apologize for my horrible communication skills. Pain killers can cause one to gloss over important information.

Lynn, I have thought about putting the staging on a lower level, and using the lower level to increase the mainline run as well. However, for the most part, I am the operating crew. I am also building it without help (that is not entirely true, I didn't build the benchwork), and I will be the one cleaning and maintaining it. I would love to add at least another level, but I don't want to spend more time cleaning and maintaining than running trains. That doesn't rule out placing staging on a lower level entirely though. I wouldn't have a clue where to put the helix so the layout is still operated as a p2p.

Don't follow me, I'm lost too.

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