Increasing electrical pick up

It is a steamer, but it is a suggestion what may help you:
[Image: dsc02680bcsm.jpg]
Original pick up was only by the axle bearings of the non insulated wheels of the loco and the non insulated ones ot the tender.

The pick up of your E33 is electrically similar.
The current has to flow through the axle bearings and in case of proper lubrication the oil could block electrical current. Not every time, but often sometimes.
In the case of the steamer shown above it was also.
My solution was 0.5mm brass wire.
One soldered directly to the brass bottom plate to wipe directly on the wheel rims, thus eliminating current flow only through the axle bearings.
The other one was soldered together with a wire ton an piece of 0.2mm copper sheet.
This was glued with ACC to an piece of 0.3mm styrene sheet.
And this device was glued also with ACC to the bottom plate.
The other end of the wire was soldered in this case simple to the tender coupling link.

In your case i made you the suggestion to solder the wire direct to the motor or decoder.
A second wire soldered to the bottom plate also leads to motor or decoder.
Thus eliminating uncertain current flow through the pivots of the trucks.

I hope this may help you to solve the problem.

Greetings Lutz

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