joefryfry's layout - The Waynesburg Southern
Well, like my wife who had a pregnancy moment and went and got all her hair chopped off, I tore down my layout yesterday. There were too many issues with trains not running well due to hasty trackwork, too much track in a small space, poor ballasting, and I believe some expansion and contraction. I have some time but not alot of money invested in what I had done. But I couldn't even run trains without having to constantly couple and rerail them. What I'm doing now is going to basically be a diorama with a running train. I'm taking scale drawings of an area that my office mapped and recreating in N scale. The hills will match the contours from the mapping file, something I have always wanted to try. If this goes well and I ever get to finish it, I have the option of adding a section in another room and/or a deck on top of the area I am going to work in now. With the layout I tore down, I did learn alot and was pretty happy with some new scenery techniques I tried. My track work is going to be well within recommended tolerances and I just order some Arizona rock and mineral ballast. I don't like working with the crushed walnuts from Woodland Scenics so I am looking forward to trying this. Thanks to everyone who provides input on my layout and topics that I create here.
"You did NOT cut a hole in the wall for the train, did you?" - the wife
The Waynesburg Southern
Blue Mountain Aerial Mapping

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