A Rant
When William K. Wathers started that company, he was a hobbiest who put together a distributorship to help other hobbiest get what they needed and at a reasonable price. Then his son ran the company and things changed somewhat - he was a business guy, but still interested in the hobby.

Now his son (or daughter, I forget which) runs the company. He (or she) is a businessman, pure and simple. I doubt the've ever built a kit or turned a throttle knob. It's all about business, grow by stepping on the competition, even though in many cases they are stepping on their own distribution arms.

The main problem with business in America today is that it is run primarily by Finance guys. They only know the bottom line ... most of them are clueless as to how the bottom line got to be the way it is. They know nothing of design, development, partnering with supplying vendors, supporting the distribution channels, the "lower price = higher volume = greater profits" mentality ... they just look at the bottom line and increase the price to achieve a higher profit, much like the clowns in Washington, D.C. who always want to raise taxes, because it would never occur to them that the problem might be not lack of income but too much spending for the income level! Nope

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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