Atlas Shrugged Movie
nachoman Wrote:CGI - means I will have to sit this one out. I'm like one of those kids in Japan who watched pokemon and had seizures, and don't do well with CGI. I'm not sure what it is. I did fine with the original star wars, but when they released the first of the new trilogy, I got a massive headache and upset stomach when I saw it, and never went back to see the other two. Same goes for video games. When they switched from the 2-d games like the original super mario brothers to the games with more advanced graphics, I could no longer play due to dizziness.

I tried playing Doom a couple years back...several years removed from my last playing of a 1st person shooter (Halo 2 right when it came out)...and I couldn't get over how it made me dizzy and sick to my stomach.

An interesting note about Ayn Rand and an Atlas Shrugged movie with plenty of rail scenes: Alan Greenspan was a part of Ayn's discussion groups. As a little boy, Alan Greenspan dreamed of two things: being a telegraph operator and traveling to the various places listed on the railroad time tables he collected. I hope he makes a Cameo in the movie...
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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