A House for San Berdoo ... but first, The Garage
Thanks for showing, biL!

I would have built the garage the same way you did. But I would like to comment the tools you have used. I noticed you glue everything together on your cutting mat, protecting it with a sheet of something looking like baking paper? I use a thick glass plate instead. It is hard, perfectly flat and does not need any protection.

Next, your files. Nothing wrong with them - I have used those files for years. But I feel they dont remove much material and glog up easily. Probably because they are meant to work on metal. For filing styrene I use selfmade files, that work much better. Basically sanding paper glued on wooden sticks. I lay down the sanding paper with the backside up, spread the glue and press on a number of wooden sticks, mostly coffee stirrers. When the glue is dry, I cut the the files from the sanding paper. It takes less than a minute to make a handful of them. As a result I get files in various shapes (normal, broad, odd shaped) with various grits.. and they are cheap enough to throw them away when clogged or dull.

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