Freelance 2011
I admit I am the one who is most surprised by the new look. It was not my intention to start a new scenery now. I planned only a one or two hour visual check if I would like brick buildings and if and how they would fit my steamers. That was the plan and therefor I did not take any care to do the mock ups carefully. And I did of course not add any details like fire escapes etc.

In the light of the new possibilities I have to rethink the whole situation and decide how to proceed in 2011. My first reaction was to go to the north east as the "typical home" of brick building (Chicago, NYC, Boston etc.). Conrail GP15 are a good choice to switch the industry.
But when I look at "the patch" and at "the "rat hole" the LA area is very also a good location for older brick buildings. In that time (197x - 198x) I could run SP SW1500 and MP15AC very well.

However, I did make up my mind with respect of the time period for the layout. It should be as modern as possible when such brick buildings have been still around. I think that can be around 1980. 1980 is a great time because most modern engines (Sw1500, MP15, GP15 ...) and cars have been around already.

I think I need some time to make up my mind about the location. But might be I will continue to call it "freelance" and never decide Icon_lol

There is another basic decision to be done. Do I proceed with the current track layout and adjust the scenery only or do I build a new layout with an improved track layout? I feel the need for an improved track layout but available time will be limited this summer.

Jonte, that video is great and very much welcome. In case I proceed with paper based structures I have to start all my structure building skills from scratch. That is a nice challenge, isn't it. The video shows how much I have to learn... did I mention my age Confusedhock:

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