Backdrop at Mason Park Bridge
Your process is fascinating and your progress is impressive. Your methods are inventive. The fuschia scaffolding made me chuckle ... It jumps right out at you - a positive color choice in that no one shoupl acidentally bump into it because they didn't see it! Just please ... remember to remove it carefully! But color its aside, it is an inventive way to address several problems that needed solving and one that gets the multiple jobs done.

I realize that because of the way your track plan has "evolved," doing the backdrop first (as is so often recommended by the "experts" in the model railroad hobby press) was not an option that was open to you, but to those who are following along, this is why those "experts" tell us that it is beneficial to do a backdrop early in a layout's build process, if you can. On the other hand, Gary proves here that if you don't put in it first, there are ways to accomplish a very effective backdrop after the layout is well underway.

I really like the use of paper patterns and "masks" ... they, along with the built-up photo mural as a handy reference, are proving to yield a representative image that will be instantly recognizable to your visitors who are local and know the location.

You are making great strides in developing a backdrop that will both support your modeled geography and help to root the viewer in "your neck of the woods." This is becoming one very impressive layout as it develops ... keep working towards your vision ... your individual successes in each scenic area will one day all blend together to recede into the background ... a visual reference to "the world beyond" the railroad that is the main focus, and will be the real center of attention when trains begin to roll.

I, for one, look forward to each new installment of the "Railroad Bridges of Houston!"

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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