Backdrop at Mason Park Bridge
Yeah sure the backdrop is great...but I just can't get over how COOL that bridge is! Big Grin

Don't forget you can airbrush or wash/drybrush grass, trees, etc. That's one step beyond 'novice' in my book, is adapting colors on the 3D objects to match the backdrop. In otherwords, using the same base colors (minus the blue or white wash haze) on the backdrop as the scenery up front. This is why I like to build my trees from scratch vs. buy out of the box, but even those can be modified.

Also, have you used the hole card trick to identify color yet? I can't remember if anyone mentioned it in one of the bazillion threads you've got started right now. If nobody has yet, it's this - just punch or cut a hole in a plain white 3x5 card and hold it over your snapshot to isolate the color from the surrounding colors. It'll pop right out and you can even mix a matching color right there on the card to do comparisons.

I did it with the 'white' line on the water's edge in your prototype photo and it's actually tan. Perhaps that may help clear up the mystery a bit.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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