Backdrop at Mason Park Bridge
P5se Camelback Wrote:Gary has made absolutely stunning progress from when he first started with the underpass between the two banks to the point where he is now. I think it's damn impressive! But then, it's all a matter of using your eyes to "see." If you have the ability to build a "better than average" model, that's an indication (to me) that you have it in you to paint your own backdrop... you just haven't worked at painting one yet!

Thanks biL. Even where it is right now, I wouldn't be ashamed to show it to visitors. With a few touch-ups as the good folks of Big Blue have suggested, I may even go as far as saying that my visitors might even be impressed! Smile

Appreciate your encouragement, as always, you've been a big help, and this backdrop experiment has been (and will continue to be) enlightening and rewarding.

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