An engine servicing facility for the JGL
Just about exactly a year ago I started work on a CMR turntable kit. No, it hasn't taken me that long to build! It actually is a very nice kit (made of laser cut acrylic) and goes together easily. Believe me, if I can get it together and have it square enough to operate well on the first try, just about anyone here can! But once I had it built to the point where it could be operated, I needed to install it and that required several other things to be done first. My turntable is mounted above the inside space of a helix, so I set up the 3/4" plywood base on sawhorses to mark locations and cut out the hole for the tt and the slots for the inspection pits in the roundhouse. Then the base was mounted in place and it was time to install an indexing system. So a control panel needed to be built and the motoor installed, etc. Once that was done, I had to bring in the lead tracks, which travel over a section that was to be removable for access to yard turnouts for maintenance if (when) needed. Then I realized that the lead tracks went under the coaling tower and sanding tower, and over an ash pit, and none of these structures had been started yet. So all these were built and installed along with the track at my workbench, then put in place on the layout. Which brings me pretty much to where things stand today, with work on the roundhouse about to start, followed by finishing the turntable bridge and detailing. some pics to follow.


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