Southern GP30 High Hood Build Progress Pics
Many thanks for the comments guys!

Hopefully, the Southern decals will come in the mail any day now and I can get started on that phase. The top of the roof where the hood joins the shell blended in perfectly, and fortunately, you'd see that more than the sides of the nose as the engine runs the rails of the layout. So I think all in all, I'm happy with the way it turned out, and I've learned a bit more of how to kitbash something like this. This is my second try at kitbashing something together, and hopefully, it will turn out well with the decals applied. Granted, this isn't exactly as tough of a job as I've seen so many other people take on...all I did was cut and glue a high hood on a low nose engine and added putty. Not exactly rocket science. The challenge was working on something so small. And I think the biggest improvement I could make the next time is using an airbrush to paint. I know it would produce a better and lighter coat of paint and therefore hide less detailing on an Nscale engine. Next time.......

Well, thanks again for the encouragement and comments. Please, feel free to add your critiques of the work, I'd like to know the areas I need work on to improve my skills on projects like these.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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