Pearl Harbor Remembered
Ralph Wrote:
MadModeler Wrote:I read somewhere that Hitler was furious with Japan over the attack. Told them that they acted too soon and should have waited until Britain had fallen.

Coincidentally I heard the same information just the other week on a documentary about U boats. Up until Pearl Harbor he had ordered his subs to leave American shipping alone to avoid pulling us into the war with Britain. Apparently U boat captains who saw US ships as good targets were frustrated with the command.

Indeed..Once war was declared it was open season for US merchantman that was boldly sailing solo along the East coast while being backlighted by the lights from cities along the East coast...As one U Boat captain said "It was a turkey shoot."

Then they took sub warfare into the Gulf Of Mexico where they had equal success in sinking tonnage.

Even our destroyer crews was ill train in sub warfare in the first few months in the battle for the Atlantic.The U boats would give them the slip by running around to the other side of the convoy..

Summerset Ry

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