Southern GP30 High Hood Build Progress Pics
Some decals added...and a comparison shot of my first attempt with this latest attempt at getting this engine modeled accurately.

[Image: P4170119.jpg]

Unfortunately, this morning I noticed that the gold stripe shifted during the drying process last night. Next time, I'll take more care to remove almost all the surface water/micro-sol from the decal. That gold stripe is equal to a hair's thickness and would easily rip. Maybe the decals were old, maybe I didn't let them set enough before trying to place them...but they sure ripped easily. I might also try to place another gold decal over the top of the existing one, or remove it completely and try again. There's still a lot of other decals to place on the Southern engine...and maybe today I'll get to that. And there's a number of places I want to touch up the paint. But at least, it's got numbers and a name on it! Once it gets done, the glossy top coat (needed for the decals) will be covered in two coats of dull coat. That should improve the overall look of the engine. The NS version has two coats of dull coat and it really improved the look of the paint I'm hoping the same will hold for the Southern.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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