Another world
One thing I was smart enough to NOT do was let iTunes manage my music library. I have everything already organized by artist and album, yet even when not managing it, iTunes will report a particular song is from a different album than the one I got it from, nad it makes a mess of things. I don;t have every song I have on my iPhone, what I did was select the option to sync only selected songs, and created a playlist that I have enabled for synching. I pick and chose songs and add them to that playlist, then sync the phone (iPod works the same way). That way I only have what I want on the phone, not everything, and I also don;t have iTines messing up my alrady organized files and folders.
Another thing I did notice, the random shuffle on the iPhone is HORRIBLE. I have somewhere around 200 songs loaded right now and there are some it's never played and others that it plays every time I turn on shuffle.

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