Shay construction
Good morning !!!

The Shay was totally constructed by myself, using a plan from a T-boiler Shay out of the Narrow Gauge Gazette and the terrific books by Kozo Hiraoka "Building the Shay" and "Building the NEW Shay" for reference. But at all, I followed my own design to get a close looking little Baby-Shay.

BTW, there was some more progress done last weeks with the steam chests made from brass. There's still some work to do until the chests are finished. I hope to get them done this evening.

[Image: Chest_4i.jpg] [Image: Chest_7i.jpg] [Image: Chest_10i.jpg]
Click on thumbs for large pictures.

Due to a mistake, I've to make a new cylinder as the holes for the lower cover are not at the right place. The new cast iron block arrived on Saturday.

Cheers, Gerd

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