Hump yard operation on Science Channel
I just watched a show on the Science Channel that I usually watch, "How Do They Do That?" This episode included switching operations at the Belt Railway Hump Yard outside Chicago. I found it will be playing again on Saturday, July 23. It's on around 7PM in Phoenix, but that could be different in other time zones. The segment is only around eight minutes long, but interesting to see how technology has changed things. Just to perk up your attention and broaden your interest, it also includes segments on how they catch and serve poisonous fish in Japan, 790_smiley_picking_a_fight and how they make tartan cloth in Scotland. :o I don't think I'll be eating Sushi anytime soon, nor do I expect to be wearing a kilt, but they come as a package in this episode. 35

Just letting you know in case you're interested and haven't already seen this program.
Don (ezdays) Day
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