Photos from my Southern Layout
Just curious...

What made you choose to model the Southern Railway? I model that one too, and although I didn't grow up where it ran, I like the history and locations of the railway and that it changed to the Norfolk Southern. But I'm curious how you decided to model the Southern?

Oh...and weathering the rolling stock is a fun and rewarding thing to do. There's some great examples on this forum. I'm certainly no expert...but I like using chalks instead of paints for the subtle color possibilities and control over the color build-up. Many use an air brush to add a thin coat of color where desired, and an air brush probably does the best job. I've tried that, but my air brush skills are not that good yet. Plus for me, I don't have the time to use an air brush and clean it properly, so I stick with chalks that can be used quickly and with minimal preparation and clean up.

Once again...really nice layout and photos. Thumbsup

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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