Placing Rail Served Industries On Layout Edge
faraway Wrote:
FCIN have spurs that are 5 to 6 feet in length. When the bench work is only 18 inches deep, you can only have very short spurs off the lead running at angles like 12 to 30 degrees...
That is one of my layout design problems too. I did never find a perfect solution for it. A bad compromise would be to have only one track either in the very fore- or background and try to get the maximum length on the angled branches. But only one track..? If build two ore three tracks to do some switching on the "main track" the residual space will be far to less for any kind of useful branches.

The prototype situation I am thinking about is this one
There is a small LAJ yard (strip it down to three tracks only on the layout) parallel to the river. Some tracks (branches) exit to the left, cross the road (District Blvd) and run into the industry area on the left hand. That would be a dream to model but you need much more depth than I expected when I started planning. I did finally drop that option.

ps. Russ is the originator of that idea

Great prototype!

How much depth do you need to get a good feel of this? I think it could be doable on a peninsula where you can reach from both sides. Then you could go up to at least 4 feet (120cm).



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