A Big Blue Story
That's right folks, our hero here is so versatile that he's able to play both Texas Hold-um poker and blackjack at the same time. He actually entered the poker tournament thinking it was, Texas Hold-up, his specialty, not realizing that his robbery skills would do him little good. After being caught counting cards, he did manage to flag down a cab and escape. He was surprised when the doors opened like a gulls wing and he had to sit in the front seat because the back seat was full of equipment. He was told by the cab driver, an odd-looking fellow with white hair, that it was a flux capacitor that would take them to places he might have only dreamed about. With that the car sped down the boardwalk at a high rate of speed. He glanced at the speedometer and saw it was heading for the 88 mph mark, when all of a sudden, WOOSH, and they were heading back to...
Don (ezdays) Day
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