Shamrock Ave. Ft. Worth, TX
could do N and like I said I have track turnouts, cars and an a GP38 ready to go, I just am seeing some impracticality in doing some real switching. It's just too small to fiddle with uncoupling and whatnot. Sound would be a bonus in either scale, it's just the size of N would be the drawback. I only have the 11 feet and really in either scale, I won't be able to have all I'd like to have. Givens and Druthers, I suppose.
I use magnets to uncouple N Scale cars-this also gives the ability to use one magnet for several spots.

Now if you're sold on HO there are some drawbacks as any experience model will tell you.One is size you get less in the same space.

One of the benefits HO offers is the ability to detail your ISL to the Nth degree.For me that's a plus more so then sound.

As far as 2 industries on a siding that's ok but,my past railroading experience teaches me that is far from the normal industry siding and in that light I won't do it.

Summerset Ry

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