Well? What Did You Get?
A San Juan Car Co D&RGW boxcar. Eleven D&RGW boxcars, 4000 series I believe, went to Pearl Harbor during WW2 along with 76 ex-C&S cars (Miller cars used by the RGS). I'll modify some of the details on the D&RGW boxcar and team it with a C&S boxcar I'm scratchbuilding to be my first Hawaiian boxcars.

I received a large quantity of couplers: Coronado's DSP&P Link & Pin Couplers and Grandt Line's Tower couplers. There were also several packets of brake wheels and some Kadee On30 wheelsets which I'll put on new, longer axles for On3.

My little boy made out like a bandit. In addition to train toys, he received an OO scale mogul (James the Red Engine) with some freight cars and a "Big Percy"...one of Bachmann's G scale Thomas train sets.

My wife got me some Proto:87 spikes to experiment with, along with some 7' long On3 ties and PC board ties. Since the shortest ties used by the Oahu Railway after 1920 were 7' long, Fast Tracks or custom ties are my only options to build accurate track (SJCC's flex track has 6' ties and tie plates...so I'll only use it for hidden track)

We were hoping to sell our house, but it is still on the market...and the new layout remains at least a few months in the future. Icon_lol

My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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