Our eMag front cover photos
We are in the process of doing our latest edition of our eMag. We usually have a couple of photos on our front cover, but for this issue I'm thinking about putting on a collage of many pictures. My first thought is to use pictures from the M, N, O...P thread since they are random photos of just about anything railroad. Just as a broad request, if anyone has posted a photo there that they wouldn't want to see a small version of on the front cover of this coming eMag, please let me know. Otherwise I'm going to assume that you don't mind. There are well over 100 photos there and I can't use them all, but I'll give my best.

So remember, if you have any objections to us using your photo in this way, let me know either here or by PM, otherwise there's no need to let me know.

Remember, the eMag is posted on Big Blue as a .pdf and is free for anyone to download or view in their browser. Links to past issues can be found
Don (ezdays) Day
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