A question....................
videobruce Wrote:Where did the name "Big Blue" come from?
Doesn't look like anything connected to the former Conrail, which is the only "big blue" I had ever heard of.
Welcome to Big Blue. There are several discussions here regarding our origination, but here's the short story. About eleven years ago, the-gauge railroad forum was started. The original colors were what you see here today. Over the years, it took on the nickname, Big Blue. There were a few changes where the-gauge had several owners and eventually lost not only its identity, but its colors and a lot of our members left as well. In Dec, 2008, we revived the forum with a lot of the original staff and members. We chose not to use "the-gauge" as it's name because of possible conflicts with the current owners, so we instead chose Big Blue, even though our url is in our former name.
Don (ezdays) Day
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