One-Off 1:1 Scratch-Build
Sumpter250 Wrote:
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Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang I wish youse guys had said somethin''s almost done, and now,there's no room for more layout, and it won't go around the corners !! Schnable, grumble, Schnable, grumble Wallbang Wallbang Wallbang

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Let me guess what happened:

You got all excited seeing this fancy big car and so you rushed to your work bench,

You hurriedly stripped the bogies off of some of your most expensive heavy duty freight cars, stripping threads and loosing screws as you went,

You ruined the transfer artwork on those cars with your greasy sweaty fingers, not to mention broken ladders and handrails,

You used up all your carefully hoarded supplies of structural shapes and sheet styrene as you rushed to throw together your 'interpretation' of this very unique American Schnabel Car,

You sliced several of your fingers with your hobby knife in your haste, some several times during blade changes, putting bloody finger prints all over your 'model', your work bench and your clothes,

You weren't wearing your 'hobby clothes' but rather what was once your 'Sunday Best' or equivalent. Those glue spots, knife slashes and paint smears are not going to come out, EVER.

Meanwhile that special Hobby Apron with all those fancy pockets for your scale rules, draughting pencils, vernier, note book, bi-focal magnifying glasses and LED pencil torch, with the special Velcro small parts catcher pocket,
that your dear, ever so thoughtful, charming, and supportive, overworked wife and mother of your numerous children, so lovingly created by working late into the night after a long tiring day at work before your last special birthday,
lies in a crumpled damp and smelly mess in a very dark corner under your layout, complete with solidifying oil based paint spill slowly locking it all together in a chaos theory manner.

And you have no idea where it is, only that it is 'round here somewhere. Good Luck explaining your way out of that part of this messy situation.

In your over excited haste to be the first to construct a 'model' of this car, you didn't even bother with checking to see if it would be able to transit anywhere on your layout, no attempt to check clearances, curvature, overhang or under cut or grades, crests or dips, let alone safely exit the siding you were thinking of extending, to be able to store it and at least some of its special train in a made up state. I wont even mention that dodgy track work with the poor electrical connections, in that hard to reach far corner of your layout built in your younger youthful, salad days, with the projecting run of bench work on the inside of the curve that you suspect maybe responsible for those mysterious derailments and paintwork scrapes on some of your longest most expensive rolling stock, that also makes up a key part of the route you were going to use for the special train to avoid that difficult grade inside that tight and twisted tunnel on your main line.

Nope I think that it would be fair to say that you didnt really think or plan this whole exercise at all. Wallbang

Have you ever heard the saying; Haste makes Waste at any time in your life prior to today?


>>> For new readers; this is all a very tongue in cheek response to Sumpter250's posting highlighting the many human foibles we all possess and somehow try to defeat. 357 357
Fake It till you Make It, then Fake It some More

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