Hedley Junction
We worked an other session tonight.

I finished painting the rail at St. Joachim and started to think how I would handle the train station there. I have a rough idea and found new picture of small stations in the area... Many small railway sheds along the track, a very small flag stop and strange catenary/utility pole, all lost in fields.

You can see a few pictures of what I tried out. My idea was to run a short mixed freight with a combination, a milk reefer and probably a boxcar for LCL. In the pictures, the thrall door stand for the combination. No other passenger train would stop there as other trains just pass by this flagstop.

My guess was to put the milk platform right behind the barn and accessible by road. The flagstop would stand on the other side of the road (the smalled yellow structure behind the employees house). Other yellow buildings are tool and storage sheds for the railway, the white one is a farm building. According to some accounts, QRL&PCo installed electric power to Petite-Ferme in 1934 which permitted to build a butter factory.

What do you think of this setting? Is it completely stupid to stop the train on the middle of the road? I mean, this a rural road in a very remote area that only served dairy farms together (all properties of a Seminary). Nobody except the employees would drive there since it's not a destination. You can see the real road here.


Other question: the water tank. I never saw a picture of it nor a map showing it. However, it should have existed because this place was the interchange between electric traction and steam traction. I lack space and it's a tiny place. Could a stand pipe with a pumphouse be used to water engine in such a rural location or should I go with a water tower? Other question, should I locate it on the siding or on the main line? I'm at lost!

[Image: IMG_0194.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0200.jpg]

Aerial views:

[Image: IMG_0199.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0198.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0197.jpg]

Thank you!

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout: http://www.hedley-junction.blogspot.com/

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station http://www.harlem-station.blogspot.com/

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