The Gales Of November Remembered
I've only had one personal experience with Lake Superior ...never forget it .

When I was a kid , the family drove out to the Seattle Worlds Fair in '63 . On the way back we stopped in Minnesota ...I'm going to say Bimidji .... for the night at a motel on the water . It had to be 90-95 degrees out , late afternoon , and my step dad and I went for a dip before supper . I never thought much about there being virtually NOBODY on the beach ....such a hot day ...but as a kid , I never stuck my toe in the water first ...just ran and jumped in , right ? My step dad and I both ran and dove and I swear we came back out of the water and back to the beach , all in one motion ....COLDEST water I'd ever been in , and that was summer time ! Can't imagine it in November .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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