"Hammerhead" RS-3 Conversion, in HO Scale.
I'm sorry I haven't got back to you sooner. I had some rather bad issues with Hurricane Sandy, (I lost my computer for a time) and then my regular job had myself and a few other employees staying on the New Hampshire Seacoast, in the ruins of taming some of the damages as I work for the New Hampshire Liquor commission, that had power failures and such I just came home a few days ago and had to get my home system repaired due to power failure at home from the last snow storm we had and it had ruined my power supply....

Your casted parts, they aren't casted and awaiting, they are casted as purchased, as that keeps costs down for me, and for those that are customers. Just as 90% of the rest of detail part companies, do! Which, I thought I had mentioned to you that as we talked it over through PM's.

Please see your PM's as one was sent to you just before this posting!
~John AKA "Yellowstone" OR "EM-1"

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