How big is your train room
Lester Perry Wrote:
FiatFan Wrote:My train room is just short of 9X13 with a separate shop (about 11X11) for all my tools, both modeling and general household projects.

My wife has offered me another room in the basement but until yesterday I hadn't figured out how to utilize it since it would be out one door and around the corner into another room. Yesterday I figured out that if I put a helix in the second room I could have a bi-level layout. I'm still weighing the pros and cons on that idea. Using the second room would also involve punching a couple of holes in a block wall.

I have punched a hole in a block wall. If you do you will need to seal the hollow block above it because debris will fall onto the track. Not big stuff dust and moisture. It is a big pain in the a.... I used a piece of rubber.

Good advice Lester, and Fiat, if it benefits the railroad, go ahead and do it. It's more prototypical than a tunnel through plaster! My current plan calls for two holes through concrete block - which I've taken to calling "Wall Ridge" 35 I removed the need for two more tunnels by replacing about 7 feet of the wall with a steel beam. Now a hole in the wall seems like a minor task (I have a thread for that somewhere around here...)!

Back on topic!

My layout room is about 15x22 - 11x22 on one side of the wall, ~2x22 on the other, with a 8x12 bump off one end for the workbench area . There's a lap track (no lix) around the other (non-layout) end of the room which is not included.
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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