E-paw's duff challenge for 2013
Along thew bottom edge of the tender shell I added a strip of styrene to bring up the height a little, It just seamed too short.     When this was dry I filed and sanded it flush to match the side of the cistern shell.

I placed the shell on the old frame and eye-balled the distance to the locomotive and measured the distance between the pins for the draw-bar. I will have to relocate the electrical connections further back on the frame and build the fireman's platform and coal bunker.    

I marked the location for the new hole on the stock draw-bar and drilled it out on a drill press. when I did this I nut & bolted the two draw-bars together with 2-56 hardware, and used the larger hole to run a screw into a piece of scrap wood. This acted as a clamp to hold the assemble together for drilling.    
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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